I wrote this algorithm that is given your electric meter readings (in kilowatt--hours) at the beginning and end of each month of the year. The algorithm determines your annual cost of electricity on the basis of a charge of 6 cents per kilowatt--hour for the ?rst 1,000 kilowatt--hours of each month and 8 cents per kilowatt--hour beyond 1,000. After printing out your total annual charge, the algorithm also determines whether you used less than 500 kilowatt--hours for the entire year and, if so, prints out a message thanking you for conserving electricity.
Step 1: Set the value of i to1
Step 2: Set to the value of AnnualCharge to 0
Step 3: While i is greater than or equal to 12 do
Step 4: Get the value of KWBegini and KWEndi
Step 5: Set the value of MonthlyUsagei to KWEndi - KWBegini
Step 6: If MonthlyUsagei < 1000 then
Step 7: Set AnnualCharge to AnnualCharge +(.06MonthlyUsagei )
Step 8: Else
Step 9: Set AnnualCharge to AnnualCharge + (.06)1000 + (.08)( MonthlyUsagei - 1000)
Step 10: Set the value of i to i +1
End of While loop
Step 11: Print the value of AnnualCharge
Step 12: If (KWEnd 12 - KWBegin1) < 500, then
Step 13: Print the message "Thank you for conserving electricity."
Ask the user for the next KWBegini and KWEndi each time through your loop and store them in two lists: one for all the KWBegin values and one for all the KWEnd values. You don't need to keep track of the MonthlyUsage for each month.