
I would consider goal setting to being knowing the end

Question: Write 100 words positive feedback on the given:

I would consider goal setting to being knowing the end state that you want to reach. Working backwards in order to realize each set you need to make to ultimately reach that end state.

I consider self-talk to be using your mind to go over aspects that are needed to reach your goal short or long-term. Self-talk should be positive thinking unless you are driven by negative thinking.

I consider imagery to be when you use all of your senses to put yourself in a situation you are preparing for to ready yourself.

To me achievement motivation is having small victories on you way to reaching your end goal. The small victories can help keep you motivated instead of dwelling on how long you may have until reach your end goal.

Stress management tools are ways one can find to relax themselves or relieve tension caused by being anxious or uncertain.

I think that all four of the concepts are part of stress management. I work in an office environment, I am still able to use these techniques when necessary. I use goal setting and visualization the most in my life.

When I have a goal to achieve to achieve I immediately think of tools I need to gather to be successful. I think of all the areas I need to hit to meet my end goal. I like to make things easier for myself by making short term goals. If I am able to make good short term goals and know my suspense dates I know I will be successful.

I use imagery/visualize techniques by thinking of myself completing a task. I think of the tools I may need. Visualization allows me to mentally think through the process and help myself be successfully before I actually take any steps towards my end goal.

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Dissertation: I would consider goal setting to being knowing the end
Reference No:- TGS02689216

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