
I would ask my parent if the issue is with them wearing

RESPOND TO PEER 1 THEN PEER 2 ON A SEPARATE PAGE. PLEASE READ THEIR RESPONSE AND FOLLOW GUIDED RESPONSES. Answer 1 and 2 on both peer responses. please when answering the peers do them separate. I NEED THIS ASAP

Guided Responses

Respond to classmate by:

1. Offering your thoughts on how the parent in the given situation would react.

2. Offering at least one additional solution to the problem.


Scenario: Some parents request that their boys should not be permitted to play in the dress up area, and should not be allowed to wear women's hats, shoes, and clothes to dress up.

a) I would ask my parent if the issue is with them wearing women's clothing or if they would mind their male child dressing up in men's clothing? I would listen to their answer and let them know I understand. Then I would explain to them the purpose of and importance of dramatic play for their child. Namely how dressing up helps them to become independent by learning how to dress themselves. I would explain the cognitive, language, physical and social-emotional benefits of dramatic play. I may even offer them the opportunity to join us in class during dramatic play time and offer them some written information on the subject as well.

b) To rephrase the situation to the parent to demonstrate that I understand their problem by letting them know that they are not the first person to come to me with this issue. I would tell her that we also have men's wear clothing in the dramatic play center the boys as well as things like fire hats and vest, police hats and vests, and items that doctors and other community professionals where.

c) I would find common ground with my parent by letting her know that her and I are a team and I am with her in wanting what is best for the child, therefore when little Tommy is in class I will be sure he understands the distinct difference between women's wear and men's wear.

c) My position here at the center requires me to allow both girls and boys to try on witch ever clothing item they chose. My idea is that sometimes the girls clothing may look more interesting to the boys because of the sparkles, and shine. Not to mention seeing the attention the girls may get with being called princess and twirling around in the dresses with heels on. My feeling is that as a teacher, I can make the men's clothing items just as appealing as the women's clothing, add variety, and praise for them as well.

d) I would like to welcome and encourage you to join a website call https://kidvisionprek.org/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. . This website provides a variety of videos that will help you to better understand the benefit and purpose of dramatic play along with the language arts. I think you will enjoy watching the short videos of field trips the children go on and the different types of learning experiences they have.

e) To ensure the parent and I are on one accord I would ask them how they feel about what I have said, if they have any input or what their expectations of me are concerning this issue, or if they have any questions. After they have expressed themselves, I would thank them for sharing their concerns with me and let them know that I have an open door policy so if they have any other question or concerns they can feel free to come and talk with me. I would also welcome them to talk with my supervisor if they feel that I have not met their needs.

f) This point is not necessary to add in this assignment. (N/A)

g) I believe a reasonable solution for this issue may be to reassure the parent that she makes a valid point, her concern matters, and that we are team. I will also introduce her to the dramatic play are to help her become familiar with our goal for the children when they play in this area. I want him or her to see that the dramatic play area is geared towards boys and girls with real life props, and clothing for both girls and boys.

i) After addressing this issue with the parent, I would once again thank them for letting me know their concern, set up a day and time for them to come join us in the classroom to get a better idea of our daily schedule & our curriculum goals, offer them the opportunity to take this issue to my directors if they feel that I have not met their needs, and remind them that we have an open door policy.


Scenario: Some parents request that their boys should not be permitted to play in the dress up area, and should not be allowed to wear women's hats, shoes, and clothes to dress up.

a. Could you be more specific with your concerns? Why is there an issue with your son playing dress-up? Do you feel it makes him too girly and not masculine? In order to fully comprehend your concern, I need to get to the root of the problem. Please let me know why you would like me to keep your son out of the dress up area. If you're worried about germs or certain materials, I can address that, but if you're concerned about your son taking on feminine activities, there is only so much I can do.

b. I understand that you do not want your son participating in the dress-up activities or dress-up area within the classroom. You are concerned about your child wearing women's dress-up clothes.

c. I want what is best for your child, just as I want what is best for every student in my class. I would never want to go against your wishes or condemn your child in any way.

d. With that being said, your son will always be permitted to play in the dress-up area if he wishes to do so. It is not my decision to keep him from playing in certain areas in the classroom, as it is the child's responsibility to explore, learn, and play freely. Banning him from the dress-up area or forbidding him from wearing any women's dress-up items is unfair to him. Should I ban all the girls from playing with trucks or action figures because they are "boy toys"?

e. There is no evidence to suggest that boys who engage in dress-up or other female-eccentric activities will become feminine, gay, weak, or any other stereotype. It is actually good for boys to develop healthy emotions and compassion, which they learn through playing "house" and other scenarios that have in the past been geared more towards girls.

f. I hope you understand my reasoning, but I do urge you to respond. I'd like to know more about your opinion and why you'd like me to ban your son from a particular area in my classroom. If you still disagree with my standpoint, is there anything else I can assist you with?

h. If your son's activity preferences concern you, why not talk to him about it? Has he been acting differently at home? Have there been any changes at home that are raising concerns at this time?

I unfortunately cannot ban your son from the dress-up area unless there is a serious reason (such as a severe allergy to certain materials, a very weak immune system, lice, rash etc.) but I'd like to discuss some options with you. Would adding more male clothing to the dress-up area change your mind? Are you interested in helping pick out more items for our dress-up/dramatic play area?

i. Thank you for bringing your concerns to me. I'd love to meet with you in person, so please contact me with what dates and times work best with your schedule so we can set up a meeting. If anything changes or you have more concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or the school.

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Dissertation: I would ask my parent if the issue is with them wearing
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