
I want you to be aware of the evolution of healthy people


I want you to be aware of the evolution of Healthy People 2020, as it paves the way for community health efforts at the national, state, and local levels.

Please go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at https://www.cdc.gov. Search under "Healthy People 2020." Or, go to your local university/community library and ask the reference librarian to retrieve the "Healthy People 2020" documents.

Once these have been located, find an objective of interest. Print/copy this objective only (Careful! Many objectives have multiple pages! You don't want to kill a tree...) and attach it with your assignment. Next, find local statistics for your home county (37217) Nashville, that addresses this objective by going to your local health department, or finding its website. Lastly, find one local program that addresses these national and local objectives. Be sure to cite your sources.

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Dissertation: I want you to be aware of the evolution of healthy people
Reference No:- TGS01710297

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