
i want someone who is able to enhacemodify an

I want someone who is able to enhace/modify an XBMC skin to support a surf forecast. A swell/surf forecast looks similar to a weather forecast so it's probably best to start by modifying the existent weather-plug-in and skin support. Your job is only the skin modification and pulling the forecast data (images, numbers, text) from predefined variables. We will possibly use the "nbox" skin as i need a skin which runs smoothly on an raspberry PI.

The surf-forecast data will be given by me. I will write the necessary python code to pull the surf-forecast data from an online-source. We will use any data representation you see fit for it. The resulting work will be open source.

The developer must have the following skills:

- prior experience in modifying XBMC skins

- python programming

Linux/Unix know-how a plus.

Skills required are Python, Software Development

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Case Study: i want someone who is able to enhacemodify an
Reference No:- TGS0376803

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