I want help in vBulletin clean and update
I have an installation of vBulletin that has been compromised, I have taken some steps to secure my installation but I need someone to be sure the source files and database are clean.
I have-
A vBulletin 4.1.9 installation with the following addons/products
vBulletin Forum
vBulletin CMS
Advance Sticky Options - vB 4 version
aMember Pro v4 Integration
It has numerous other addons as well, but we no longer use them
I need:
1. vBulletin files as well as MySQL database cleaned of anything caused by the system exploit
2. vBulletin updated to current version
3. vBulletin design set up so future updates won't overwrite how the site looks
Desired Skills are MySQL Administration, Vbulletin, CSS, HTML, PHP