
I this assignment youre going to have to develop a solid

Argumentative Synthesis Paper

General points

In this assignment, you're going to have to develop a solid argumentative thesis based on an ethical question (i.e. Should we allow Syrian refugees into the U.S.? Should we reduce the U.S. prison population? Should we make efforts to raise boys and girls so that neither feels limited by gender expectations?), and support this thesis with sound claims and documented evidence. You need to use at least 5-8 sources (at least one should be from a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal or book), but of course you can use more than this if you'd like.It is absolutely essential that you take the time to think about a good, workable thesis for this paper. In order to test whether or not your thesis is acceptable, ask yourself these questions about it:

  1. Is it arguable?
  2. Is it specific?
  3. Is it manageable in the length and time you have?
  4. Is it directed to a specific, intended audience? (this may be implied)

If you answered 'no' to any of these questions, then you need to think about how to revise your thesis. In extreme cases, you might have to change topics, but please remember that small adjustments can sometimes make really big differences. In other words, don't give up on an idea too soon.

Good luck!

Specific points

  • Your paper should be about 1600-2000 words long (8-10 pages) with at least 5-8 sources cited throughout the paper and on the Works Cited page.
  • Your essays must be word processed in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins all around.
  • You must have a properly formatted list of works cited at the end.
  • Follow MLA or APA formatting throughout the paper.


Paper 4: Argument


  • Paper adequately address requirements of the assignment.
  • Thesis is clear and accurate.
  • Points in the body support the thesis.
  • Paper makes good use of sound logical arguments.
  • Paper makes effective use of outside sources to support body points.
  • No excessive details or content.


  • Introduction is effective and includes thesis.
  • Essay is developed around a clear organizing principle.
  • Transitions are effective between paragraphs.
  • Paragraphsare structured around a central idea.
  • Conclusion provides a sense of closure and grows logically from essay.


  • Sentences are correctly and clearly formed: no comma splices, fused or run-on sentences, or sentence fragments.
  • Sentence structure is varied.
  • Writer avoids too many short, choppy sentences.
  • Diction is accurate and appropriate to audience, content, and purpose.
  • Sentence content is clear and unambiguous.


  • Grammar is correct: subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, correct word forms.
  • Mechanics are correct: spelling, punctuation, capitalization.
  • Manuscript is carefully proofread.
  • Manuscript follows MLA or APA guidelines.
  • Works Cited page is separate, complete, and formatted correctly with at least 5-8 sources.

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