I. The directions ask students to specifically address some specific issues (in Part "C") and yet despite these directions, I find that many students do not include the required components. Do NOT just randomly write a paper on some area of the law. Be sure to DIRECTLY and CLEARLY address the issues listed in part "C" below.
II. Also, the directions clearly ask you to research and include citation. Be sure to actually include parenthetical citation throughout as well as use quotation marks where appropriate. And include end notes.
III. I highly recommend that you use headings to clearly identify the specific areas of your essay. Use them throughout for your different sections including those that directly address the required areas under part "C" of the directions.
Write essay on · Law and Business Decisions
Group Case Analysis
In the Group Case Analysis activities (Modules Three, Five, Seven, and Nine), students are assigned to a particular group in order to analyze a given case. Students will be presented with a specific case to examine based on the prompt. Students will discuss and analyze the case in the Group Pages area of the course in order to come up with a consensus or ruling. A decision will be posted to the general discussion board forum labeled "Group X Decision" and graded using the rubric below. Students must answer the prompt, describe the facts and issues, and provide sound and logical reasoning for the conclusions.
Requirements for submission: Students will use acceptable language and mechanics as fits an informal, academic setting. No use of "text speak," excessive misspellings, excessive mechanical errors, "copy and paste" from outside online sources, or breaches of "net etiquette" appropriate for the discipline.
Critical Elements
Not Evident
Group effectively communicates to establish order, processes, and leadership, which yield timely decisions posted to the class forum.
Group members specialize the tasks/elements and provide feedback on each other's work to maintain collaboration and ensure timely, equitable contributions.
Group members make equitable contributions to the assignment and submit their court's decision within the three day time frame.
Group members do not make equitable contributions to the project within the three day time frame.
Addresses all of the aspects of the prompt directly and includes additional elements that logically enrich and extend.
Addresses all of the aspects of the prompt directly.
Addresses all of the aspects of the prompt either directly or indirectly.
Does not address all of aspects of the prompt.
Application of legal principles
At least two specific examples from relevant cases, statutes and precedents are applied.
At least one specific example from relevant cases, statutes and precedents are applied.
Some mention of relevant cases, statutes or precedents is applied.
No relevant cases, statutes or precedents are applied.
All aspects of the case are dissected in to their component parts in a way that demonstrates the nuance in the issues.
All aspects of the case are dissected in to their component parts to gain deeper understanding.
Some aspects of the case are dissected in to their component parts to gain deeper understanding.
Aspects of the case are either not dissected or are in a way that does not lead to better understanding.
Final Answer(s)
Team presents a clearly labeled post that comprehensively captures group consensus in the appropriate forum.
Team presents a clearly labeled post that captures group consensus in the appropriate forum.
Team presents a labeled post that briefly summarizes group consensus in the appropriate forum.
Team does not present a post to summarize group consensus in the appropriate forum.
Other Instructor Notes:
Total Earned