
I tell stories of supply chains from ancient times to

In page 5 of the textbook's PPT on Chapter 9, compare and contrast these activities with the ones we learned in Porter's value chain. The PPT then discusses contract manufacturing and 3PL. Learn what they are then continue to learn the following terms: efficient supply chain, responsive supply chain, push vs. pull, postponement (what would be an example?), green supply chain (inc. reverse logistics), and VMI (watch video later on). You may skip the location slides.

In chapter 15 PPT, look for ways to define and measure service quality. Understand the 5 dimensions of service quality and how it applies in your experience as a customer. Google Deming and Juran to learn about their contributions to quality management. Learn to distinguish between internal vs. external failures and assess their costs. Learn to use the Pareto Diagram (watch video later on) and the Root Cause Analysis to improve quality. What's the philosophy of Kaizen?

I tell stories of supply chains from ancient times to modern days in the supply chain PPT. Just go over the slides and watch the embedded videos to learn about supply chains. Are you aware of the food mile reduction and what it means to be a localvore? What can you do to reduce food-miles?

In my quality PPT, what are the lessons learned in slides 4 and 5? And slide 10? As a manager, how would you assess the costs of doing something vs. the costs of not doing something? From Infiniti's example, can you show a few fool-proof applications?

Watch and find the messages in the P&G, Toyota quality videos.

Listen to the GM recall podcast and write down what you learn in the journal. What PPT slides are related to this podcast?

Listen to the burrito podcast. Can you develop similar quality standards to measuring product quality?

Please read this report this week: Starbucks Global Responsibility Report 2014


Also, check out their sustainability and responsibility highlights: https://www.starbucks.com/responsibility

What are some of the Starbucks supply chain projects that you think are most impactful? Why?

Listen to this radio broadcast and learn about the massive GM recalls and what the steps GM and the goverment took or not took. What would you do if you were managing GM?



What are the success factors and why is it that these factors are not easy to develop?


Watch and find the messages in the P&G, Toyota quality videos.



Please comment on one or two technical aspect of quality management. How can a Japanese company like Toyota manage quality across the world and achieve the same standard? The people in the video are obviously not Japanese or American!


What are the first steps towards reaching six sigma quality? Do you have personal examples of such? In other words, how can you apply six sigma in your everyday life?


Listen to this podcast then come up with your own criteria to judge one of the food items you are familiar with. Explain why you use the criteria and why your number one choise was X

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Operation Management: I tell stories of supply chains from ancient times to
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