(i) Sketch a fully-labelled electro-pneumatic circuit showing your actuators in the START position and employ metered out speed control with mono-stable 5/2 DCV's having solenoid actuation with spring return.
(ii) Construct the TIMING DIAGRAM for your allocated actuator cycle showing all sensor labels and secondary variables.
(iii) Using the TIMING DIAGRAM in (ii), determine suitable SET/RESET Boolean Switching Functions for both the secondary variables and actuators and present them in appropriate tabular form.
(iv) Prepare a handwritten development drawing of the electrical relay switching circuit you plan to employ based on your functions in (iii).
(a) With the aid of a sketch, outline the DCV control strategy you have employed
(b) The electrical relay switching diagram must comply with the appropriate European Standard.
(v) Prepare a step-by-step description of your electro-pneumatic system operation.
(vi) Using the electro-pneumatic switching functions you've derived in (iii), prepare a handwritten S7 200 Siemens PLC ladder diagram capable of producing the required system control showing appropriate I/O addresses, markers and labels for all the control elements.