
I required to create an online business moduel that allows

I required to create an online business moduel that allows people to connect wirh personal trainers via live, interactive video, and participate in one on oone group training seassons. as you could benifit from social media marketing its recommended to develop a set of criteria that you consider important in assessinf whether a site provides good desing or not for your business moduel.

I would like to you to write 1000 wordsrequiring an over all breaf about the website and how can e-marketing benifit our website. and also ways of how custmers using the website can intercet with us.

This is a link to the website/ blog. please view the link https://persontrainer.blogspot.com

If any factual infromation is used please use harvard refrencing.

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Marketing Management: I required to create an online business moduel that allows
Reference No:- TGS01383197

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