
I read about some parameters estimation toolbox in simulink

Good day sir,

I have a project of modeling some home appliances using SIMULINK where the main objective is to compare the power consumption of the appliances in actual measurements with model one.

I am now trying to model the 1000 W , 230 V, vacuum cleaner.

I measured the voltage, current and power for the cleaner for around 5 minutes. I got the measurements and did some plotting in MATLAB.

When I opened it, the vacuum cleaner is nothing but a universal motor (DC series motor).

So, I got the DC machine block in SIMULINK and connected the armature and field windings in series.

My problem is:

How do I specify the parameters needed when I double click on the motor block which are:

- Armature resistance and inductance [Ra (ohms) La (H) ]

- Field resistance and inductance [Rf (ohms) Lf (H) ]

- Field-armature mutual inductance Laf (H)

- Total inertia J (kg.m^2)

- Viscous friction coefficient Bm (N.m.s)

- Coulomb friction torque Tf (N.m)

These are all parameters needed to be inserted in the block to simulate the motor.

I read about some parameters estimation toolbox in SIMULINK but I couldn't understand it well. I knew that it can find the parameters of a motor using measurements data. I watched also some videos explaining that. However, this is not enough to understand very well.

The measurements data I have include:
voltage, current, power factor, active power, reactive power, apparent power and frequency (60 Hz).

I can measure also the motor speed if it is necessary.

I include the Excel file of these measured electrical quantities in the attachement.

The parameters needed to be estimated are the ones listed above which are requested by SIMULINK to be inserted in the motor block.

Actually this is parameters estimation problem, not a SIMULINK problem. Once I get the correct parameters, I can do the Simulink part easily.

Do you have a way to find these parameters, which, when inserted in the motor block will give a similar power consumption (and other electrical quantities) to the actual ones when supplied by 230 VAC source.

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Electrical Engineering: I read about some parameters estimation toolbox in simulink
Reference No:- TGS01411777

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