
i need the five methods public class

I need the five methods

public class Ex1Program {
public void start() {

// Step 1. Declare and construct an array of 19 Movie objects (call the array films)


Movie mostRecentMovie = getMostRecentMovie(films);
Movie longestMovie = getLongestMovie(films);

printResults(mostRecentMovie, longestMovie);

printDirector("Searching for Sugar Man", films);
printDirector("Liberal Arts", films);
printDirector("The Intouchables", films);


private void fillMoviesArray(Movie[] films) {
films[17] = new Movie("The Intouchables",2011,112,"Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano");
films[6] = new Movie("From Russia With Love",1963,110,"Terence Young");
films[14] = new Movie("The Long Voyage Home",1940,105,"John Ford");
films[9] = new Movie("Easy Rider",1969,94,"Dennis Hopper");
films[3] = new Movie("Dark Shadows",2012,113,"Tim Burton");
films[10] = new Movie("Walk the Line",2005,136,"James Mangold");
films[5] = new Movie("The Help",2011,137,"Tate Taylor");
films[0] = new Movie("Meet the Parents",2000,107,"Jay Roach");
films[7] = new Movie("The King''s Speech",2011,118,"Tom Hooper");
films[8] = new Movie("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory",2005,115,"Tim Burton");
films[2] = new Movie("Alice In Wonderland",2009,109,"Tim Burton");
films[4] = new Movie("The Iron Lady",2011,105,"Phylliday Lloyd");
films[11] = new Movie("Kaikohe Demolition",2004,52,"Florian Habicht");
films[12] = new Movie("Brokeback Mountain",2005,134,"Ang Lee");
films[13] = new Movie("Gladiator",2000,154,"Ridley Scott");
films[1] = new Movie("The Parent Trap",1961,129,"David Swift");
films[15] = new Movie("Happy-Go-Lucky",2008,118,"Mike Leigh");
films[16] = new Movie("The Big Wedding",2013,89,"Justin Zackham");
films[18] = new Movie("Searching for Sugar Man",2012,86,"Malik Bendjelloul");

private void printMoviesArray(Movie[] films) {
System.out.println("Movie Collection");
// Step 2. Complete the printMoviesArray() method


private Movie getMostRecentMovie(Movie[] films) {
// Step 3. Complete the getMostRecentMovie() method.


private Movie getLongestMovie(Movie[] movies) {
// Step 4. Complete the getLongest() method.


private void printResults(Movie mostRecent, Movie longest) {
System.out.println("The most recent movie is: " + mostRecent.toString());
System.out.println("The longest movie is: " + longest.toString());

private void printDirector(String movieName, Movie[] movies) {
// Step 5. Complete the printDirector() method



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JAVA Programming: i need the five methods public class
Reference No:- TGS0284241

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