I need help in Image Uploading and Simple Resizing / Frame Selection
We need someone to implement a way for our writers to upload an image and have it automatically resize to one of two sizes depending on the type of article they're posting. The article type will have been chosen by the user before they have the chance to upload the image. This is in our backend admin.
It'd be great if they could drag a frame over the picture to select the part of the image they want to crop. It'd work like uploading a profile picture to Facebook, basically.
We need it done ASAP, and hopefully it's not very costly. It if matters, our website is done in PHP (CodeIgniter) and has an SQL database. We might have future tasks for you if we're happy with time, quality, and price. Please, specify a fixed price for this project.
Desired Skills are PHP, jQuery, HTML5, CodeIgniter, Web Programming