I need help in Buddypress project
I have a Buddypress site that I want some help with please.
1. The job needs that you know how to build a new Buddypress group component. The component will be a visual Timeline, where one can add dates as well as descriptions for that date and order them chronologically along a line. Example date of birth, date finished college, date got married, birth of child and so on. They will be visually showed along a date line (vertical or horizontal) showing the date as well as title of each event and when you hover over, show more details (description, picture) or the timeline outputs a number of slides which contain Date, Title, Image, description and one can scroll through them in chronological order.
The timelines want to be interactive and all group members should be able to add to the timeline. I am using Buddypress group hierarchy plugin as well as require that the timeline be available to all sub-groups as well.
Desired Skills are MySQL Administration, HTML, PHP and BuddyPress