I need some artistically incline person to build a LOGICAL and PHYSICAL diagram based on instructions below, from those diagrams I can build a new network. Attached is an example of physical and logical diagram.
I need a Logical Network Diagram and Physical Network Diagram of this original configuration. I have VISO and PAINTSHOP. I prefer a VISO diagrams. I can increase compensation for diagrams if amount of work does match the problem.
a. The company currently has Building 1 in which there are:
-3 Administrators
-5 Finance people in accounting
-1 Finance person in bookstore
-5 Sales people
-5 Support people
-1 Computer person
-10 Training rooms
b. The company is leasing space in Building 2 (120' across a parking lot on the same property) in which will be moved from Building 1:
-3 Administrators
-5 Finance people in accounting
-5 Sales people
-3 Support people
c. Staying in Building 1:
-1 Finance person in bookstore
-2 Support people
-1 Computer person
-10 Training rooms
d. The company is also leasing Building 3 (2000' away on another property across city streets) which will have:
-2 New support people
-20 Training rooms
e. The company has a branch (250 miles away in the same state) which houses:
-1 Administrator
-2 Sales people
-1 Support person
-10 Training rooms
f. The company will be opening more branches of the same size as its current branch in other states and other countries.
g. Currently, everyone has either a 486DX66 or a Pentium stand-alone PC with MS Office and Windows 3.11 or Windows95. The only network is a 5 station Lantastic network in accounting.