I have attached the students appeal letter which doesnt

Question: Hi Chris,

I have attached the student's appeal letter which doesn't meet the requirements. It looks like he doesn't have a serious/unforeseen mitigating circumstance that impacted his ability to meet the terms of his academic plan. The student choose to return to the university after the October session began so the student cannot list the late entry or delay in disbursement of his FA funding as a barrier to his academic success. The student also listed that he didn't receive his textbook for his on-campus course until the mid-point in the quarter which impacted his ability to be successful. If textbooks are delivered by the course instructor, I would encourage the student to address the concern of with his instructor by going through the grievance procedure at the campus.

Would you be able to follow up with the student to revise his letter to include details on his mitigating circumstance? If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks

Non-Active Appeal Letter Template:

- Please indicate what state you currently reside in: ____________________

- Are you appealing to your previously attended program (yes/no): _____________If no, please indicate which program you would like to appeal to return to.

- Explain the unforeseen and serious in nature barriers and/or problems that caused the lack of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Supporting documentation to substantiate the circumstances identified within your appeal should also be submitted if applicable.In this section you will want to explain what serious and unexpected events occurred while attending the University that impacted your ability to meet your academic plan

- If there were any other serious and unexpected events that occurred during your enrollment at the University that impacted your from being academically successful, I would suggest including those in your letter.With revising your letter, if you are including any events that were not previously mentioned, make sure to explain how those events have also been resolved.

- Clearly illustrate the changes that have occurred which will ensure the circumstance noted will no longer affect your academic success moving forward.The Appeal Board wants to see actual changes that have occurred to ensure that the barriers you experienced will no longer impact your ability to be academically successful. Please make sure that you explain how each barrier and/or issue listed in reference to the first bullet is resolved.

- Briefly state your reasoning for attending school as well as why you feel you are a candidate for reinstatement.

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Dissertation: I have attached the students appeal letter which doesnt
Reference No:- TGS02312042

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