i have a vbnet application i would like to add

I have a vb.net application i would like to add database function + coding the the function to let the application work and also to add a

login window for the customers + customer registration + employee

Cutomer can see the normal program which already programmed
employee can edit and see the customers and supplier

need to add function to the program

Customer details
This should include: full name, postal address, telephone (either home, mobile or both), email address, login details and optionally date of birth. Details of past and current purchases should be stored. You may need to consider allocating a customer number.

Employee details
This should include: staff number, full name, postal address, telephone (either home mobile or both), email address, login details, date of birth, date first started with the company, job title, level of security, office site, office room number, internal phone number.

Stock details
This should include name, description, wholesale price, retail price, level of VA

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Software Engineering: i have a vbnet application i would like to add
Reference No:- TGS0414476

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