I have a Pascal Source file that needs to be compiled into a Service. In addition, there are various functions (Pascal Procedures I guess) that need to be created to Read and Write a MySql database.
Job Description:
The essential context of the job at hand is this, I have a Pascal Source file that does a lot of calculations. In fact the only thing that this source file has is the formulas for a bunch of variables.
Getting the variables starting values requires coming from a MySql DB and the end result of the calculation requires being stored back into the MySql DB, this portion I do not have the source code for and needs to be created by YOU.
Now, this program needs to be a service of some kind that can be waiting around for my application to call it, give it a few parameters, and have it take off.
The end result of this project will be that you give a Pascal Source file containing the needed code for writing and reading the appropriate fields from/to MySql along with the need.
Desired Skills
Pascal Programming, MySQL Programming