I found this article very informative and eye opening i

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I found this article very informative and eye opening. I enjoyed how the authors presented Dr. Festinger Cognitive Dissonance theory and the outline on how to change people mind. We choose what we want to believe in accordance with our perception of the world and refuse to allow changes to that notion. Individually mold the information we receive, reject or accept certain material to accommodate and fit it to our cognizance. We go as far as to avoid to mention widely known facts; when we are presented with these facts we create arguments (as wild as they might me) to protect our beliefs.

For example, you purchase a life insurance policy, as soon as you finish your purchase you wonder if this was a good idea. The insurance company knows you will question yourself, therefore , they send you a letter congratulating you for the excellent decision you made by protecting your family from indubitable future events. After all you do know you will die, eventually tomorrow or (most likely) in 40-60 years. If you were to calculate the amount of money you will pay the insurance company over 40-60 years you would realize that in fact you are better off putting that monthly insurance payment in a bonds fund. But most individuals would not do this and blindly buy the insurance policy, accept the insurance letter and self-congratulate themselves for the excellent choice just made. Cognitive dissonance is a complex psychological concept, but applied to sales has a very simple meaning: customer deception.

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