
I fall at 13:00 hours in stack

Rewrite this in a busniss for and to correct grammar.
1. I fall at 13:00 hours in stack off and report this to Kevin Smith showed him the unsafe material Johnny J. Dustin, and Anthony help me up. They also inform me that the railing had been broken over six months and everyone knew about it. Had Kevin take pictures of me and of the bolts sticking up. I told Kevin this was wrong management knew they have a safety inspection on Thursdays and they did nothing , I also state we have a safety team that as does inspection so how did this happen. He stated he didn't kn9ow he was to busy to keep up with all of it. I sent out my own email so that everyone knew about this and that the right PAPERWORK WOULD BE FILED OUT FOR MYSELF AND SO SOMEONE WOULD GET THIS FIX before some else got hurt.
2. After three days which was April 13, 2012 I informed them David S, and Ray HR that they were investigation me to see if I had followed policy when another employee was hurt. Which after three separated interview I told them I didn't know how that employee Phillip had gotten to the lab and they need to talk to Phillip and Candy. That when I informed them shame on them they hadn't followed policy with me. Here you all are trying to point fingers at me when in truth you all haven't followed any paperwork on me or asked how I was doing. After I left for the day Dennis called me and told me not to come in the next day that I would not be pointed or anything since I was so upset over all these issues.. I told him that the way Lisa acts that I am afraid that she will kill me one of these days and he said I was being silly. I said it's not silly when you are afraid what could happen. 

3. They tried to set me up about Phillip getting hurt at work and that I only said to Lisa I am looking for sanitation we have blood upstairs. They keep saying why you didn't tell a supervisor about this when you were on the radio. I told them that it was Candy on the radio and I answered her and went to find sanitation for her. After three interviews on this same issue I said you need to ask Candy and Phillip what happen they can clear this up. After they left the next day on Friday I was called back into the office because I asked to go to night's and get away from Lisa. I also asked them way if Phillip getting hurt and no one called a supervisor was a big deal on me how come Candy wasn't investigated for not calling a supervisor. They never spoke to her on the matter. I told them they all tried to set me up so they could walk me out and come to find out Lisa and Rita's stories were wrong it was Candy not me. So they couldn't fire me for that. Dennis called me that not and told me not to come in the next day that I would not be pointed or anything since I was so upset over all these issues.. I told him that the way Lisa acts that I am afraid that she will kill me one of these days and he said I was being silly. I said it's not silly when you are afraid what could happen.
4. John asked me around April 23. 2012 if I needed to see a doctor I informed him that I had an appointment with my own on the 24 already. He then stated that if I went to mine that I couldn't claim it on workers comp. I told him that my left ankle was still bothering me after the fall, and that I would ask my doctor about this since he was a worker's comp doctor. John Watta told me to use my own health insurance because they wanted to win the safety award. I told him this time I would worry about me for a change. He said that all the people on the floor sure were looking forward to the extra reward. Which made me feel guilty so I decide if it was just extra's I could over this. 
5. On 4/24/2012 Dennis called me into he's office and told me I had to sign a document about my fall 
6. I had an appointment with Dr. Lewis office, I told them about my right foot starting to bother me and then I told them about my left foot and how that I fell at work in stack off and that I had trip over these bolts sticking out of the floor. I also told them that John Watt told me I could use my own insurance for this. 
a. This is when the front office went and got a worker's comp specialist for me to talk to and told me that if I used my own health insurance that this would be fraud and I could get into trouble and end up paying for everything. I told her my safety manage had told me this. She said he was wrong. So I inform her to keep my left ankle work separate from my right foot. 
b. I than told the same story to Dr. Lewis nurse.
c. They took x-rays and said that I had rolled my ankle in the fall and that I would need a lace up brace and physical therapy for 4 - 6 weeks. That's when I told them I would first have to go back and tell John all of this before I went any further.
7. I called and told John Watta everything I had learned at the doctor's office on 4/25/2012 including that if I used my own health insurance that this would be fraud. He said that he had never heard of this and this was my insurance that I paid for. I told him that I would not use my own health insurance. He said that he would call on this and find out. I also told him that I need a lace up brace and physical therapy for 4 - 6 weeks and that he need to buy me one. At this time Candy came in who also works in the lab and stated Susan they are only $ 15 -20 dollars at Wal mart. John in turned said use your health insurance for physical therapy. I told him no, why should I pay for this. 
8. 4/26/2012 John Watta came to talk to me and told me that he had called on using my health insurance for physical therapy, he said that they said that is was not fraud and it was my call. I replied that I didn't want to pay for copayments. I told him I would look up exercises on my own on the internet.
9. Told my friend Tina Gay about what was happened at work and she had a lace up brace that I could use. So I went to her house and pick it up. The brace felt the same as when I wasn't even wearing one.
10. On 4/27/2012 I received a missed call from Linda Osborne from Southwest Worker's Compensation Center, I listen to the message and she stated that she need to me to call her about my open workers compensation case. I had never heard of he or this workers compensation company so I called John Watta on his cell phone to ask him what this was all about since to my knowledge I didn't have a case opened. He didn't pick up or call me back on this matter. It was Tuesday 5/1/2012 that I was able to talk to John Watta about this phone call. He told me he would get back to me after his meeting that was at 9:00 AM. He never got back to me that day.
11. 5/2/2012 once again I asked John about the phone call and who was Linda Osborne from Southwest Worker's Compensation Center. He stated that it was the company that handled all of Otis Spunkmyers t Worker's Compensation cases. I ask why she was calling me since I didn't have an open case. He told me to ignore the call it was no big deal. I reply if this is no big deal why do I have an open case and why did she wish to speak to me. I said John I am no dummy there is a reason that she has called and that it make no sense to me why if you all were not going to pay for something why I would have an open case. He reply that they had a lot of open cases that employees are not aware of and this is just the way things are handle so ignore her call and in a few weeks we would receive an award for being number 1 in this new company even though we had one case were an employee had been hurt. I said we had a lot more cases than that it's because we were keeping employees in the lab all day even if they were not working than letting go home. I said you all didn't want Phillip to receive medical help after he was hit in the head and nose by a machine part which swelled his nose and head. Were he was sick and dizzy. He finally to all of you he was going home. I know this because I was taking care of him along with Candy Rickner and we were afraid to leave him alone because he had a head injury. 
a. Rachael Jones - one day
b. Josh Jones - month or more in the lab
c. Phillip ? - day shift
12. 5/3/2012 I informed John Watta that the brace I was wearing wasn't working and that I would be calling Linda Osborne from Southwest Worker's Compensation Center back after finally were finished.
13. 5/4/2012 - This morning my supervise Dennis said we had to go to HR and talk to Ray. I ask him what it was about I had breading coming out of the proof. I thought it was about the night time position I had apply for. I was called into Ray's office and they informed me that they were fire me for falsifying documentation on the bowl counter sheets. I told then no way have I. falsified documentation ever. Yes from line 2 to line 6 you can have the same time on a sheet ever clock has a different time on this. I am verifying that the jet printer has been changed over and ready to go. They also said there was a sheet from one morning were I signed it at 6:20 and the product was not up there until after 8:00 and once again I said to them I am verifying that the jet printer has been changed, we run a box thru the jet printer to see if it has the right date, line, shift and Julian date on the box. On another work sheet at the mixing station we check the product that they are schedule to run against the panel view of what the mixer is running and against their mix sheets they are using. 
They said that they had to statement from two employee's state this. I ask for them and them refuses to show me, every day we have reliefs changing jet printers at 5:45 Am, 13:45am, and 21:45 Pm with or without product this is to verifying that the jet printer has been changed. I have been in the lab over ten years without any kind of write up for this.
14. If they had proof of this I would like to know. We are verifying that the jet printer has been changed, we run a box thru the jet printer to see if it has the right date, line, shift and Julian date on the box with or without product. This is how I was trained for ten years .The ways and information has changed thru the years but the training has never changed.
a. Reliefs change the jet printer starting at 5:45 which is C shift, A shift reliefs start changing jet printers at 6:00. 
b. A shifts packer comes on duty at 6:30 am. 
c. Wage lead Lisa Treece never goes up to packing until after her break unless QA has called her before 7:30.
d. Candy in QA never goes up too packing unless I am not there, but if I am there she comes up around 8:30 am.

15. I was let go because I knew something was wrong with the phone call having to do with my open case. I called Linda Osborne from Southwest Worker's Compensation Center as soon as I got home and asked her what the call had been about.
16. She said that she was told by John Watta that three times I have refused medical treatment. I told her this was not true and told her about my doctor and my story. At this time she called Dr. Lewis office and found out that I had been there to see him and that my story had checked out. With me on the other end she told Doctor Lewis office to fit me for a brace and to get me in to a physical therapy. We all talked about which place would be closer and we all agree on Summit in Pryor.
17. Took a few days for everything to be worked out for the brace and PT.
18. I was fitted for a brace on 5/9/2012 and I can see why the other brace was doing no good. They went thru five braces to get the right size and fit. After the brace was put on it fit better with less pain but till swollen. The fitter to me to keep ice on my ankle every day that I was at home or sitting down.
19. I have received PT to date twice so far. One reason I went on a vacation that had been bought and paid for four months early. 

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English: I fall at 13:00 hours in stack
Reference No:- TGS059816

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