
I chose to talk about ldquochildless motherrdquo an article

I chose to talk about “Childless Mother” an article written by Anti Chopra, this article talks about mother that doesn’t have child and women are renting or buying womb to have a baby from another mother. Since these mothers have money, they can rent womb to have a baby. It’s a famous trade in India to help poor people and help the childless mother at the same time by renting womb and having baby. It’s cheaper over there because these people live in a poor place, but they have good medical system to do the procedure. If we compare it with other countries like USA and Canada we will find that they have the same medical system but with higher prices. They exploit poor people’s need in a wrong way because they think that they are weak, and they need that money to live. The central ethical issue is that by renting women’s womb to have a baby that won’t be good as we think because how a woman carrying a baby for nine months can just forget what she has gone through and she just give it away without feeling bad. Instead they can adopt a baby better than renting womb to have baby. Yes, I agree that surrogate woman needs money because of poverty. But after she gave her baby to the childless mother, she will have a strong emotion toward her baby because it’s a piece from her and I don’t know how people can trade babies like that because it’s impossible to feel not guilty about it. After breaking the women’s heart and taking her baby from her, happiness will fill another house with that new baby born. The new baby born will fill the house and become new member of that family who will join them with their sadness and happiness. The other thing that got me engaged the couple who flew from London looking for a baby to make their dream come true by choosing from an orphan home to give that baby a family

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