
i am lauren garcia i have an order my

I am Lauren Garcia, I have an order my assignment, please answer me back here

Describe what parts of business law are involved in the following scenario. What issues are involved and how would this case be solved? Parker agreed in writing to work for Mclaine for a period of three years as foreman of his cannery. His contract called for $150,000 per year in salary and indicated he was to give "all of his time and effort" to the job. He received no vacation or sick leave, but the plant was closed on weekends and for two weeks at Christmas when he was able to take time off. After the first year he was told he was doing an "excellent job." Three months after his review, in April he took a weekend trip to Mexico. Through no fault of his own he was arrested and jailed for a period of three weeks. During that time he was unable to contact Mclaine. After a full week of absence, Mclaine treated Parker's job as abandoned and hired a new foreman. Two weeks after the new foreman was hired, once Parker was out of jail, he came back to the plant and demanded his old job back. Mclaine refused. Parker has filed suit. Who will prevail and why?

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Business Law and Ethics: i am lauren garcia i have an order my
Reference No:- TGS0210867

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