
Hypothetical counseling session


Hypothetical counseling session

You are going to imagine that you are in a counseling session with a client, and you are using one of the following theories Behavioral, Cognitive or Reality Theory. You will create a client scenario of your choice, however, your client must come from a diverse social or cultural background.

With this in mind, can you write a script of a hypothetical counseling session. Your responses as the counselor will align with the philosophy and goals of the theory you choose. You will have to present the following:

  • A brief introduction to the client scenario.
  • The theoretical script.
  • A discussion of the concepts you applied in the session that related to the theory.
  • Discuss how your client's social or cultural background affected your application of your chosen approach.

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Other Subject: Hypothetical counseling session
Reference No:- TGS01892492

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