
Hypothethical grant proposal experiements


Hypothethical grant proposal experiements

This is not real, but mearly a non-fiction scenario: In isolating a novel protein from th esynapse of a cocroach that I have discovered, I get to name it too. Using immunohistochemistry, I determine that the chemical is found in axon terminals. Thus, I suspect that it might have something t do with synaptic release of vessicles. Like all scientists, I am poor and must write grants to make a livivng. Identify TWO experiments that can be put into a grant proposal that would prove conclusivity that "synaptoraoch" is essential in synapse physiology.

Please offer any feedback - if you feel that I haven't explained the question well enough, or if you aren't certain what I am looking for, please let me know. I am looking for help getting started on this and am hoping that you can provide some guidance.

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Other Subject: Hypothethical grant proposal experiements
Reference No:- TGS01916450

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