Hydraulic Piston
The basic design of any hydraulic system is two connected fluid-filled cylinders of different cross-sectional area. Each cylinder is fitted with a close-fitting piston. Ideally, the fluid is incompressible and the container does not expand, so that when one piston is compressed, it expels a volume of fluid from its cylinder and exactly the same volume of fluid flows into the other cylinder, lifting its piston.

Your task is to design a hydraulic system. It must be able to lift a load of 3.0 metric tons using an input force of no more than 100 N. The pressure of the hydraulic fluid in the system must not exceed 10.0 bar during this lift. What should be the minimum diameters of the input and output pistons?
1 metric ton = 1000 kg; 1 bar = 100,000 Pa.