Go to this blog post:
Using your own knowledge and the NASA website (and any other website though please cite them) write a 1 page reflection on this article.
Make sure to let me know how you feel about this - (IE is this valid? Is it something we need to be concerned about?) and back up your opinions.
1. For this assignment I would like you to look at NASA's climate website (the reason I picked this site is two-fold. First they are a well respected vetted scientific source.
Second, if you Google "Climate Change" you will get 105,000,000 results, MANY of which are VERY biased. I want you to have an objective place to start) - I will direct you to some specific pages within the site but PLEASE look around and research more.
Start here - https://climate.nasa.gov/resources/global-warming/
1. Why do I keep calling it "Global Climate Change" vs. "Global Warming"? What is the difference between the two?
Next go here: https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
2. Pick two example of evidence cited by NASA for climate change. What are they? Please be specific and cite the evidence.....
Next go here: https://climate.nasa.gov/causes/
3. What effect does the Sun seem to have on climate change?
4. What effect do humans seem to have on climate change?
Last go here: https://climate.nasa.gov/climate_resource_center/interactives
Pick two of the interactives and PLAY with them
5. Which two interactives did you pick AND what did you learn or notice for each of them?