1. How does high managerial mobility help U.S. organizations?
a. Identify how good practices and techniques developed in one firm might be profitably applied to other firms.
b. They allow managers to successfully build teams within an organization to perform collective tasks.
c. Managers possess knowledge, experience, and a network of interpersonal contacts that come from years of working within the same company.
d. They can draw on company-specific experience, knowledge, and a network of contacts to find solutions to current problems
2. According to a study on the connection between corruption and economic growth in 70 countries:
a. Side payments helped remove the bureaucratic barriers to investments that create jobs.
b. Corruption had no impact on a country's growth rate.
c. Corruption had a significant negative impact on a country's growth rate.
d. Corruption had a significant positive impact on a country's growth rate.
3. Which of the following is NOT true about agricultural subsidies?
a. They encourage countries to produce products that could be grown more cheaply elsewhere.
b. They encourage countries to overproduce heavily subsidized agricultural products.
c. They reduce international trade in agricultural products.
d. They afford inefficient farmers the ability to exit the industry without debt.