
Human structure and function- what is the normal structure

Assignment Description

You are tasked with working on a small case study to extend your knowledge in the relevant areas of anatomy and physiology. The case study represents a disease or a lifestyle choice (dietary choice or exercise regime) where a disruption to homeostasis will occur. There are a number of case studies to choose from and you should choose one case study that best fits your interests and career goals.

In your written assignment, you must identify and discuss the normal anatomy and physiology of three body systems (or specific components of the body systems) clearly outlining the relevance to the case study. Secondly, your report will focus on the homeostatic mechanisms within each body system/component and how the three body systems integrate (influence one another) relative to your case study. Finally, you should focus on the anatomical and physiological adaptations that are likely to occur, both acutely and chronically.

Graphical representation such as images and flow charts is encouraged and does not contribute to word count.

The maximum word count is 2000 words (non-negotiable; NO +/- 10%; this includes EVERYTHING bar title page and reference list).
NB: An example of a body system is the cardiovascular system, while a specific component is the aorta. You do not need to focus on the whole system if your case study is more suited to a specific component.

Topics: Choose 1 topic ONLY

Case study 1: Exercise Induced Dehydration and Heat Stress

Nigella is a 26-year-old female triathlete from northern Europe who recently competed in an Endurance triathlon on a hot dry day, during the harsh Australian summer. Nigella had no prior heat acclimation thought it best to over-hydrate with hypotonic solutions prior to the race. Towards the end of the race she became confused and dizzy and collapsed less than 2km from the finish line.

Nigella was admitted to the emergency department suffering from dehydration, diarrhoea, dizziness, muscle cramps and low blood pressure (hypotension). Discuss the physiology prior to, during and after the race that has led to Nigella's hospitalisation.

The main concepts to be reviewed in your assignment are:

What is the normal structure and function of the renal system and how does the body respond to an increase in water load prior to the race?
What is the normal structure and function of the cardiovascular system and what happens to cardiovascular control during exercise?
In a hot dry environment, what happens to muscle blood delivery vs blood distribution for heat loss and what effect does this have on cardiac output, blood pressure and metabolism?
Which body compartments (i.e. fluid distribution) are mainly affected by the dehydration post exercise and why?
How does dehydration and heat stress lead to diarrhoea, dizziness, muscle cramps and low blood pressure post exercise?
NB: Remember to incorporate the neural and endocrine responses in your assignment

Case study 2: Cardiovascular Disease

Geoffrey is 50-years-old, works as an office manager and is obese. He spends most of his time in meetings at work and taking clients out for lunch and dinner. He has two school aged children, a new-born baby while his wife who works full time in a high profile position at a law firm. Both Geoff and his wife have very little leisure time and exercise, and they have a poor diet of fast food and quick meals. Geoff visits his GP after an episode of chest pain (angina). He is concerned that he may have suffered a heart attack and complains that he has recently had a few episodes of chest pain and shortness of breath over the past few weeks. After questioning Geoff, the GP establishes that the chest pain is triggered by physical activity or by emotional stress. After a series of tests, it is established that the pain is not due to a heart attack, but due to cardiovascular disease caused by atherosclerosis. In addition, Geoff's fasting blood glucose levels are pre-diabetic. Discuss the pathophysiology and risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis.

The main concepts to be reviewed in your assignment are:

What is the normal structure and function of these cardiovascular system including the heart, blood vessels and blood pressure?

Briefly describe how atherosclerosis affects the cardiovascular system. How could this lead to hypertension and a possible heart attack/stroke?

Why does physical activity and emotional stress exacerbate the symptoms? Discuss how cardiovascular disease leads to a shortness of breath?

Discuss the endocrine system's role in maintaining blood glucose levels and why overweight and obesity can lead to heart disease and diabetes.

NB: Remember to incorporate the neural and endocrine responses in your assignment.

Case study: Road Trauma Victim (Physical Burns)

Pablo is a 22-year-old fit male hairdresser who loves riding motorbikes. One evening he is brought into the Emergency Department with severe burns after a motorbike accident. He was speeding around a corner and he lost control. His motorbike slammed into a fence and the leaking petrol burst into flames. A pedestrian pulled the unconscious Pablo away from the motorbike but he had already suffered burns from the intense flames to his body (mainly legs, arms and abdomen). Discuss the anatomy and physiology associated with physical trauma such as a severe burn to the skin.

The main concepts to be reviewed in your assignment are:

Discuss a basic overview of the anatomy and function of the skin. Discuss basic skin histology and the effects of 3rd degree burns.

Why and how does disruption of the skin impact other body systems such specifically, the cardiovascular system, renal system and respiratory system?

Examine the effects of skin and tissue damage, sensory (eg. pain) and wound healing and repair. NB: remember to incorporate the neural and endocrine responses in your assignment.

Case study 4: Storm Induced Asthma

Abdul is physically active 31-year-old who likes to keep fit and exercises most days in Melbourne. Shortly after a severe storm, he presents to the emergency department, as he is experiencing breathlessness. His medical records show he frequently has asthma. On this occasion, he presents to the emergency department because he is wheezing, coughing and gasping for breath due to a severe case of thunderstorm-induced asthma. He complains between gasps that his normal asthma medication hasn't alleviated the symptoms. Discuss the anatomy and physiology involved in asthma and how an event such as a storm can trigger severe asthma.

The main concepts to be reviewed are:

What is the normal structure and function of these respiratory system? What is the role of the immune system in the response in asthma?

How can a thunderstorm trigger asthma? Why can it be particularly severe? How does asthma affect breathing?

How are the respiratory system and cardiovascular system linked and how is oxygen transport affected?

How does asthma affect acid base balance in the blood?

How do the kidneys deal with acid base disturbances both acutely and chronically?

NB: Remember to incorporate the neural and endocrine responses in your assignment.

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: Human structure and function- what is the normal structure
Reference No:- TGS02910449

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