
Human sexuality-sexual health and sexual rights



First, locate an online article about a sexually-related topic that we have covered in this course. The article could be about any topic that was covered explicitly in class or is related to human sexuality, sexual health, sexual rights, laws, politics, viewpoints, cultures, etc….. It usually isn’t too hard to find an article that is related to one of the topics examined in this course.

Next, the article must be from the popular press. For example, the sources could be a newspaper like the New York Times or the Huffington Post. It could be a news outlet like Fox, NBC, or CNN. It could also be a news magazine such as Time or U.S. News. Please use the following criteria:

Once you locate and read your article, provide the following criteria:

1. Please provide the APA format citation of your article (i.e. author, title, date, source). In an APA citation you are to provide the full URL (hyperlink) to the article. If you are not familiar with APA format, here are two links to a few websites that can help:

(https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/  --or--


2. Provide a thorough summary of your article in 2-3 paragraphs.

3. Lastly provide your thoughts and feeling regarding the topic. Please use the knowledge you have acquired in this course to synthesize, support, and illustrate your opinions. Be thorough but concise (2-3 paragraphs are sufficient to respond to this question).

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Other Subject: Human sexuality-sexual health and sexual rights
Reference No:- TGS01749536

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