
Human services committee on organ transplantation is in the

Question the us health and human services committee on organ transplantation is in the process of revising current policies. recognizing your prominence in the field of bioethics, the committee has requested your assistance with ranking groups of people of or potential kidney, liver or lung transplant. The groups considers are alcoholics, lifetime smokers, prosones, outside death row) and illegal immigrants As you begin thinking of how you'll rank the groups consider a.Any alternatives that may be available and the relevant cost factors that might be associated with the fair allocating under the bioethics principle of justice b.If you do not believe ranking the individuals, consider what method you would what method you would find more agreeable for allocating the organs c. you must support your opinion with ethical justifications using any of the relevant principle of bioethics and any approriates theories studied over the past six modules

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Humanities: Human services committee on organ transplantation is in the
Reference No:- TGS0800558

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