
human resources in healthcaremanaging for success


Managing for Success, Third Edition


Writer: Bruce J. Fried and Myron D. Fottler, Editors

Price: $25

Preface ................................................................................................... xv

1 Strategic Human Resources Management ......................................... 1

Myron D. Fottler, PhD

2 Healthcare Workforce Planning ...................................................... 27

Thomas C. Ricketts, III, PhD

3 Globalization and the Healthcare Workforce .................................. 47

Leah E. Masselink

4 Healthcare Professionals ................................................................. 71

Kenneth R. White, PhD, FACHE; Dolores G. Clement, DrPH,


FACHE; and Kristie G. Stover, PhD

5 The Legal Environment of Human Resources Management ........... 99

Beverly L. Rubin, JD, and Bruce J. Fried, PhD

6 Workforce Diversity ..................................................................... 145

Rupert M. Evans, Sr., DHA, FACHE

7 Job Analysis and Job Design ......................................................... 163

Myron D. Fottler, PhD

8 Recruitment, Selection, and Retention ......................................... 197

Bruce J. Fried, PhD, and Michael Gates, PhD


9 Organizational Development and Training ................................... 237

10 Performance Management ........................................................... 257


Bruce J. Fried, PhD

11 Compensation Practices, Planning, and Challenges ....................... 281

Howard L. Smith, PhD; Bruce J. Fried, PhD;

Derek van Amerongen, MD; and John D. Laughlin

12 Employee Benefits ....................................................................... 319

Dolores G. Clement, DrPH, FACHE; Maria A. Curran;

and Sharon L. Jahn, CEBS, CMS

13 Health Safety and Preparedness .................................................... 347

William Gentry

14 Managing with Organized Labor ................................................. 359

Donna Malvey, PhD

15 Nurse Workload, Staffing, and Measurement ................................ 393

Cheryl B. Jones, PhD, RN, and George H. Pink, PhD

16 Human Resources Budgeting and Employee Productivity ............ 433


Eileen F. Hamby, DBA

17 Creating Customer-Focused Healthcare Organizations

Through Human Resources ......................................................... 451

Myron D. Fottler, PhD, and Robert C. Ford, PhD

18 Present Trends that Affect the Future of Human Resources

Management and the Healthcare Workforce ................................. 479


Bruce J. Fried, PhD, and Myron D. Fottler, PhD

Integrative Cases

1 Reduction in Force at Sierra Veterans Affairs Medical Center ........ 501

Sarah Huth and Sara Hofstetter

2 Management Challenges of a Customer Service Center ................ 511

Andy Garrard and Heather Grant

3 Performance Feedback Now and Then ......................................... 523


Lee Ellis, Dawn Morrow, and Adia Bradley

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