Task: Human Resource Planning
- Half Page: Share the basics of the performance management system used at your company. Based on what you have learned, how would you modify or re-create that system to be more effective?
Management Information System
- Half Page: Describe the approaches the companies are using to improve processes and secure information. Provide your reactions to the following comment: Security is not simply a technology issue; it is a business issue.
- This topic is "Telecommunications and Networking in Today's Business World" and the following three bullets should be a part of the discussion.
- Networking and Communication Trends
- What is a Computer Network?
- Key Digital Networking Technologies
Explore this topic in further detail. Provide possible solutions for the issue you are discussing, and include specifics as to why a certain solution would be most effective. Thus, the white paper should contain something related to management information systems and their role and facilitation.
Reference: Laudon, K. C. & Laudon, J. P.(2012). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. (p. 194). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.