1. Human Resource management is the spectrum of activities that a firm, whether purely domestic or completely global, undertakes to ____________
a. improve its responsiveness
b. staff its operations
c. direct its strategy
d. integrate business functions
2. In order for a manager to truly globalize her career and be successful, ____________ is required?
a. growing global awareness and real-life knowledge about how the world works
b. working for a company that is the leader in its industry
c. an outstanding GPA in a relevant major at a prestigious university
d. a good network of contacts around the world
e. speaking several different languages fluently
3. Human Resource Management is _______________________ for MNE's than it is purely domestic firms not operating overseas.
a. exactly the same -- domestic firms do the exact same things that global firms do in terms of hiring people
b. the same -- HRM doesn't change just because the locations are different
c. a lot more complex and difficult
d. not comparable -- domestic HRM is a different field of study than its international HRM
e. a lot easier since the MNE can simply hire local HR managers who know the culture well
4. In recent years the increase in international terrorism has been responsible for the growing trend to send fewer women to expatriate assignments.