Question 1: Define the term Human resource management. What is the significance of HRM in the present Global scenario?
Question 2: Describe Human resource planning and also describe the process of HRP.
Question 3: Suppose you are the HR manager of kingfisher. You are assumed to design a training program for ground staff. What principles and on the job training techniques you would use in designing the program.
Question 4: Training like any other HR function, should be assessed to determine its effectiveness. Describe.
Question 5: Illustrate the benefits of training and development to employees. Also describe in full 360 degree appraisal.
Question 6: Performance appraisal is not just for appraisal however is for enhancement of employee performance. Illustrate the statement.
Question 7: You, as HR manager of the company, have been asked to draw a promising incentive plan for the employees in the production department. State the features which you will like to incorporate in such incentive plan.
Question 8: Define career planning and also describe the different phases of career planning.
Question 9: Describe the different phases involved in career planning and development.
Question 10: Career planning and development is a motivational tool for employees. Explain with appropriate examples.