
Human resource management 1hrmt16127 - identify two

Students are expected to work together and contribute equally to completing the assignment. Therefore, all group members will receive the same mark.

B. Requirements:

1. Search newspapers and/or Internet job sites for a jobad that interests you and for which you (or one of the students in the group) are qualified to do.
- The job ad must not be more than 3 months old and it must be for a position based in Ontario.
- Cut out or print the adand include it with your assignment indicating where and when you found it.
- Please note: Your paper will NOT be graded unless it includes a copy of the ad.
- Help wanted signs, billboard ads, radio/TVads, roadside signs are NOT eligible for this assignment.
- This assignment requires an advertisement; not a job description.

2. Critique the ad you have chosen by referring to the characteristics and requirements of an effective and legally appropriate ad as introduced in class (i.e., discuss what's good about your ad; what's bad about it; and, your overall opinion of its effectiveness). As a guide, refer to Figure 5-5 (Attributes of Good Job Ads) in Chapter 5 in the textbook while preparing your critique.

3. Identify TWO critical skills or qualifications that you think the company is looking for to determine who should be hired (i.e., of all the skills and qualifications that the company has listed in its ad which TWO do you think are the MOST important to the company?) Explain your two choices.

4. Choose two recruitment methods for the job ad, excluding where it was located. For each method:

a. State the method with details.
b. Discuss why it is effective in attracting the type of applicants required for this position by referring to the level of the position within your company and other criteria that are unique to your job.

5. List all 8 steps in the selection process and for each step indicate whether or not you think the company should use that step when hiring for this job and the reasoning behind your decision. If you think the company should use this step, then provide details of what you think the company should do to ensure the most suitable candidate is selected. Throughout each step, highlight the details including but not limited to the following:

a. Discuss the type of interview to be used, including 2 sample interview questions based on the critical skills as above.
b. Discuss the type of employment testing to be used and 1 sample employment test that would ensure validity throughout the selection process.
c. Discuss the most suitable hiring decision method based on the job requirements.

D. Structure:
- Papers are to be typed, double-spaced using font size 12 and follow APA format.
- Your report should be between three to four (3-5) pages long excluding cover page and references.
- Your group will submit an electronic copy of your report into the Assignment Dropbox in SLATE on the date noted.
- You will also hand in a hard copy of your assignment in class on the date noted on the course calendar.
- If you are submitting this assignment into my mailbox (outside the Faculty of Business Office) ensure that you have it date and time stamped in the Faculty of Business Office.
- Prior to submitting your assignment for grading, submit your report through TurnItIn to ensure your group will avoid penalties for plagiarism.

E. Advice on Managing Group Projects

- Choose group members with the same academic goals and work habits.

- Plan the first 2 or 3 meetings: time and place and email the arrangements in SLATE mail. Arrange your next meeting before anyone leaves. In your first meeting as a group, establish some ground rules and expectations of how you will work together, note them down and distribute to all group members. This may be helpful down the road if you run into problems and need to involve your instructor.

- Work at the college in the learning commons, group meeting rooms or library. Click on the following link to book a meeting room on campus: Book a Meeting Room at Sheridan

- Utilize any time in class to connect with your group to ensure you are on track.

- Do not let the absence of one member stop work on the project.

- Use class notes and project instructions- pay attention to the details.

- Speak with your instructor to review your work or clarify expectations.

- Plan a "polishing" meeting at least 3 days before the due date. Compare your work to the rubric and make improvements.

- Any issues with non-contributing members should be brought to the instructor's attention as soon as possible.

- Utilize online collaboration tools for your project such as:

o Google Drive to share files: How to share files using Google Drive

o Google Hangouts: How to use Google Hangouts

o Skype: How to use Skype for Collaboration

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HR Management: Human resource management 1hrmt16127 - identify two
Reference No:- TGS02244387

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