
Human factors in air traffic control - to identify effect

Topic: Human factors in air traffic control

Introduction: 250 words paragraph one; discussion about the topic

Literate review about the title with citation.

Objective - To identify effect of Human factors on air traffic controllers performance.

Guidelines for Project and Progress Report

Progress Report

Details of procedures undertaken during the Title Proposal and Approval

Details of actions taken in writing of the introduction of the assignrnent

Details include the date and time of engagement/meeting between tutor and student

Literature Review

Details of procedures undertaken during the gathering, classifying writing, and interpreting of related literatures based on the objectives and the title of the study.

Problems, Issues, limitations and Conclusion

Clear account of the issues, problems, and limitations encountered while conducting the study

The Conclusion highlights the important events or actions undertaken in each phase while conducting the study and how the issues were addressed.

Details include the date and time of engagement/meeting between tutor and student

1. Introduction

• Comprehensive, relevant, and coherent concepts relating to the topic with appropriate in text citations of the sources of data and information using Harvard Referencing System. (In two (2) paragraphs]
• Clearly stated Objective/s or Statement of the Problem In one (1) paragraph]

2.  Literature Review
• Logical organisation of literatures and materials relating and directly addressing the topic. problem, or objectives of the study with evidence of a wide range of appropriate readings in the selected subject area.
• Proper in-text citations of the sources of literatures presented
• Relevant analysis and interpretations of the cited literatures with a clear link to the current study. Use graphics, tables, charts to substantiate discussion
• Valid, clear, and relevant arguments of the cited literatures
• 1350 -1650 words

3. Conclusion

• Highlight the key concepts presented in the introduction and literature review
• Reflect on how the problems, and objectives have been addressed in the study
• Leave 5 line spaces after the last line of the conclusion and write: Total Number of Words:
• 225-275 words

4. References
• In separate page/s after the conclusion
• References must be of recent editions -2005 editions to current editions (not older than 2005 editions)
• Observe Harvard Style
• Categorize the references as shown below and alphabetically arranged in each category.

o Books
o Journals
o Magazines
o Newspaper
o Websites

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Dissertation: Human factors in air traffic control - to identify effect
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