
Human factors and technology-related problem description


Below is the assignment posted by my instructor. I do not work at the moment but I have been using the banking industry as most of my topics since that is where my work experience lies. If references are used I need to be able to quote them so I will need the references.

Based on other readings, or personal experience, prepare a 800 to 1200-word paper regarding a single human factors- and technology- related business problem / issue from your own work experience and how did you solve it. Please do not write about personal problems with your DVD player, home computer, home network, MS Word, or any problem related to home technology use! The following two topics need to be clearly presented in the paper

1. Human factors and technology-related problem description.

2. Solution to the stated problem.

Please do not submit a set of problems and solutions, but a single, unique problem, well explained, and how you approached and solved it. Do not state a theoretical explanation of how you would solve it. What is needed is the actual solution that you applied to the problem. As stated earlier, the problem domain must be from the intersection of human factors and technology. In other words, human factors related to technology.

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Other Management: Human factors and technology-related problem description
Reference No:- TGS02010044

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