Human computer


In this week's tutorials one of the aims was to focus on finding relevant research articles in the broader area of Human Computer Interaction. You may have observed that there were different types of research articles and research papers. Some of them would have presented a system or interface with technical details others would have presented not only technical implementations but also evaluations with end users. Other articles may have been more philosophical in nature or presented large volumes of data.

This particular activity is based on the following article:

Wobbrock, Jacob O., and Julie A. Kientz. "Research contributions in human-­- computer interaction." interactions 23, no. 3 (2016): 38-­-44.
(A PDF is available on vUWS and can also be found from ACM)

This particular article summarizes in very simple words the types of papers you can find in the area of Human Computer Interaction. They list 7 different types of papers (empirical, artifact, methodological, theoretical, dataset, survey or opinion).

In the in-­-class tutorials this week as part of Exercise 4A you identified certain articles that were relevant to your chosen area or topic.

Select 5 of the identified references and classify each one of them into the 7 types of papers identified in the article from Wobbrock. You can present your answers in the form of a table (see below). Remember to briefly explain for each article why it should be classified as such. Also try to classify each paper into only one category. For example, we would not expect a paper to be both opinionated and empirical.

Your selected Paper and its complete citation

Paper Type (any of the 7


Rationale or Justification




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Dissertation: Human computer
Reference No:- TGS02752643

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