Module : The Essenals of Human Communicaon
Module Description
This introductory module explores the essentials of human communication. Human communication is a discipline with a discrete body of material to be learned, including forms, major principals, and myths.
You will learn about the elements of a model of communication, analyze the role of culture in human communication, and learn how to use a cultural perspective to understand it. Finally, you will explore and
practice communication competence.
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Analyze the forms, major principles, and myths of human communication.
2. Interpret and define the elements of a model of communication.
3. Explore the role of culture in human communication and explain the aim of using a cultural perspective to understand communication.
4. Define communication competence and its qualities.
Course-level objectives covered in this module:
CO 1: Apply the essential principles of communication in all forms of interaction with others.
CO 2: Consider the role of culture in all forms of communication