
Huma 1301 research project - provide three selections with

Research Paper Directions:

Write a five to six page paper based on your research of an important figure within the Humanities. The person you select must be
historically significant and considered innovative and relate to your major/field. You should research your person extensively!

Topic Approval: 10 Points I must approve your selection before you begin. Provide three selections with brief explanations as to how they relate to the HUMANITIES and your major/field

Research Objectives: 140 Points

- BACKGROUND: Identify and discuss the background of your Humanist. Provide a BRIEF family history (three sentences max). Questions to consider: why/how did they find their way into that career path? Who are their influences? Where did they go to school? (30 Points)
- HISTORY: Are they associated with a historical movement? Describe key components of the movement. If not, what historical events occurred during their lifetime and what influence did that have over their work? (40 Points)
- CONTRIBUTIONS: What innovations make this Humanist significant? Identify and discuss some of their significant works/contributions. (40 Points)
- LEGACY: Discuss your Humanists role within your selected major/field. Have their ideas evolved/changed over time? What is the current scholarship related to this topic? (30 Points)

Format: 50 Points

- Visit Writing Center to edit your rough draft (submit rough draft with edits and Writing Center form in class on due date): (20 Points)
- MLA Format:
o Four Sources: 4 Scholarly Sources Minimum (10 points)
- Acceptable: library books, museum website articles, university websites, Oxford Art Online, JStor
- Unacceptable: Wikipedia, Online Dictionaries, Online Encyclopedias, Blogs
- How to evaluate sources: https://www.gettysburg.edu/library/research/tips/webeval/index.dot

o Technical: 1500 words minimum, 1" margins, double spaced, 12 point font (Arial or Times New Roman), including excellent grammar and complete sentences. In text citations, works cited page, maximum of TWO short quotes (one to two sentences at most),

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Dissertation: Huma 1301 research project - provide three selections with
Reference No:- TGS02256956

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