
Hum 1000 what is your experience with diversity how have

Response to the students

1.Brian Fallon

Brian Fallon Responding to: Week 6


Thank you for the post. I agree with your assessment of the on line education system. It seemed that in times past it has been less effective, perhaps a decade or more ago.

However, it really seems that this is one of the primary methods for career professionals managing a full time schedule, and family life. The convenience that the online system offers to its users is fantastic. As you noted, I can open up volumes from a library or periodicals to my hearts content.

I was recently speaking to one of my friends at work, and we were commenting how many young children will never use a library for research papers. When I was in elementary through high school, I had to attend the library to find sources. The Internet was not as accessible and we didn't have a computer in the house! Amazing how times have changed.

Thanks again

Brian Fallon

1. Breana Hammond

Breana Hammond's response to DBQ6

I chose to pursue military service when I ran out of money during college. Growing up, I always wanted to be some type of law enforcement so joined the military to do that. It is a constant learning process as there are regular changes to the way things are done to better our processes and there are different aspects of the job to learn.

I have finally taken the opportunity that the military provides to go to school and am pursuing a degree that aligns somewhat with my current career, but also sets me up for a decent but different second career after I retire if I choose to continue working.


Unit VII Discussion Board Question

1.What is your experience with diversity? How have these experiences helped to shape who you are?

Unit VIII Discussion Board Question

2, How can information you learned in this course be applied to your life and/or work to increase your future success?



Unit VII Discussion Board Question

1. How much does your perception of the narrator of your selected film influence your evaluation of the "truth" of the argument that the film makes? Explain why (and be sure to list your movie and narrator).

Unit VIII Discussion Board Question

2. What is your own definition of critical thinking? How, in your daily life will you practice critical thinking? How has this course changed your thinking processes?


Jamie Gregory

RE: Unit VI Discussion Board Question

The movie "A Time to Kill" deals with a black man named Carl Lee Hailey is being charged for the murder of two white men, after they raped his little 10 year old daughter and basically left her there to die. This movie deals with a lot of racism in the south part of Mississippi where even the KKK come back into the light harming any white person who is affiliated with with another race. My question is when will people finally see the light and stop arguing about color? The world needs to stop seeing color!

Christopher Hill

Chris' response to Unit 6 DB question.

The core injustice in the movie I chose was racism. In "A Time to Kill", Samuel L Jackson plays Carl Lee Hailey, a black man that kills the two men that brutally raped his young daughter, and left her to die. The issue of the movie isn't so much that a man killed the two men that raped his daughter, but is the fact that a black man killed two white men that raped his daughter.

Had the tables been turned, and a white man hilled two black men that raped his daughter, the movie would have went a totally different direction. The movie focuses not only on the racism against Carl Lee Hailey, but against the white lawyer that chooses to represent him. Racism is real, and this movie shows a core issue that was at hand during that time period.

You don't hear near as many stories of racism as described in this movie anymore. Most of the time it is in the press now, it is questionable as to the true issue. Is it really racism? Or is that term being tossed around by a group or establishment to cause a media uproar?

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Operation Management: Hum 1000 what is your experience with diversity how have
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