
Hsha 4what is the traditional healer service you have

Traditional healers Germany

Directions: Choose a country from those listed and research Tradittonal Healers services practiced. using the questions as a guide, include in in your paper you believe to be important to the discussion of the practice. your paper should be:
- typed
- 1" margins
- double spaced
- 12 font
- no more than 3 pages
- titre centered
- your name in right corner
- separate page for references
- additional pages for pictures, articles, link

Consider the following questions in your discussion:

- What is the traditional healer service you have chosen to describe and wh practiced?
- Are individuals formally trained and/or licensed/certified to practice?
- How long is the training?
- How does an individual become a practitioner? (Le. chosen, selected, independently trained, handfed down in family)?
- Are there more males or females who practice the service?
- Where is the practice typically conducted (i.e, home of client or practitioner)?
- For what conditions are the practices appropriate?
- How long is a typical treatment (one session or several, short or long, term)
- Who is the clientele typically served by the practice?
- How are practitioners paid for their services?
- Are there risks associated with the practice?
What recourse does the client have if the services are not effective?
Who introduced/created/developed the practice?
For how long has the practice been in existence?
Is there government regulation of the practice?
Do practitioners collaborate with others?
- Could you use or recommend this practice to someone else? Why or why not?

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Other Subject: Hsha 4what is the traditional healer service you have
Reference No:- TGS02250154

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