
Hse113 growth development and ageing for exercise

Assessment Task - Case study reports Instructions

Unit Learning Outcome (s) assessed

This assessment task will assess your ability to apply key concepts of growth, development and ageing to a series of case clients. This is very important for demonstrating your knowledge of the unit content, and to apply it to ‘real world' scenarios.

This assessment task satisfies the following ULO, as outlined in the unit guide

ULO1: Recall and describe the stages of growth, development and ageing, and the injuries or conditions that commonly present during these stages.
ULO2: Describe the effect of exercise on the structural, physiological, social and cognitive changes across the lifespan

ULO3: Describe the effect of structural, physiological, social and cognitive changes on exercise performance and participation across the lifespan

ULO4: Categorise exercises as indicated/contraindicated for particular stages of growth, development and ageing

ULO5: Locate, summarise and evaluate scientific literature focused on the relationship between exercise and growth, development and ageing

Description of the assessment task

Over the trimester you will be asked to complete a total of three case studies. For each case study, you are required to address the following in your report:

1) What are the key structural, physiological, social and/or cognitive stages or changes experienced by your client/s?

2) How does physical activity/exercise influence the structural, physiological, social and/or cognitive growth and development of your client/s?

3) Comment on any specific exercises that are indicated/ contraindicated for your client/s.

In your report, it is important that you demonstrate your understanding of key concepts discussed in the online content and seminars. You will need to make direct links between this information and the case client/s. You will also be required to source and incorporate at least 3 peer reviewed articles into your report for each case study. This should be a peer-reviewed article that is not already presented as part of the unit content*, and should report on findings from a study that supports a statement made in your report.

Each case study and a template will be available on the Moodle site resources folder nearing the due date of the assessment. Please adhere to the following formatting requirements when writing your case study reports:

STRUCTURE (for Presentation)

Structure your report using headings and sub-headings as appropriate and include a list of references. Please use 11 or 12 point font in any conventional format (e.g., Times New Roman, Calibri) with line spacing of 1.5. Please also justify your work

Word Count
Each case study in assessment task 1 should be a maximum of 800 words. The word count does NOT include your headings, titles, questions, case study or referencing (in text citations are considered towards the word count). It will only include your responses to the case study questions.

Attachment:- Case Study.rar

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: Hse113 growth development and ageing for exercise
Reference No:- TGS02859023

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