
Hse111 - developing an evidence-based physical activity

Developing an evidence-based physical activity report

Developing a Physical Activity Report


1) Age (yrs)
Sex: Male/Female

2) What is your marital status? (Please tick one response only)
a. Married/Defacto
b. Separated / Divorced
c. Widowed
d. Never married

3) Who do you live with?

4) Do you have any children living at home?

5) Are you currently pregnant? (Please tick one response only)
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not applicable

6) What is your highest level of education completed? (Please tick one response only)
a. Never attended school
b. Year 10 or equivalent
c. Year 12 or equivalent
d. Technical or trade school certificate/apprenticeship
e. University or tertiary qualification

7) Which ONE of the following best describes your current main daily activities and/or
responsibilities? (Please tick one response only)
a. Working full-time
b. Working part-time /casual
c. Unemployed/ or laid off
d. Keeping house and/or raising children full-time
e. Student
f. Retired

8) In which country were you born? (Please tick one response only)
a. Australia
b. Other (please state: )

9. Active Australia Survey

The following questions are about the physical activity you did IN THE LAST WEEK:

1A IN THE LAST WEEK how many times have you walked continuously, for at least 10 minutes, for recreation/exercise or to get to or from places?

1B What do you estimate was the total time that you spent walking in this way IN THE LAST WEEK?

2A IN THE LAST WEEK how many times did you do any vigorous gardening or heavy work around the yard which made you breathe harder of puff and pant?

2B What do you estimate was the total time that you spent doing vigorous gardening or heavy work around the yard IN THE LAST WEEK?

The next question excludes household chores or gardening or yard work:

3A IN THE LAST WEEK, how many times did you do any vigorous physical activity which made you breathe harder or puff and pant? (e.g. jogging, cycling, aerobics, competitive tennis, etc.)

3B What do you estimate was the total time that you spent doing this vigorous physical activity in THE LAST WEEK?

The next question excludes household chores or gardening or yard work:

4A. IN THE LAST WEEK how many times did you do any other more moderate physical activity (e.g. gentle swimming, social tennis, golf etc.)

4B. What do you estimate was the total time that you spent doing these activities IN THE LAST WEEK?

10) How often does each of the following things interfere with or prevent you from exercising or being physically active? (Please tick one circle on each line).

                                                    Never             Rarely           Sometimes          Fairly often        Very often

a Others discourage me
b No one to exercise with
c Self-conscious
d Feel too overweight
e No safe place
f No facilities/equipment in my local neighbourhood
g No facilities/equipment at my workplace
h Lack of skills
i Lack of knowledge on how to exercise
j No childcare
k Not in good health
1 No energy
m Get enough exercise at my job
n No motivation
o No self-discipline
p Not organised enough
q Do not like exercise
r Can't afford it/too expensive
s Do not have time

11) To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about walking in your local neighbourhood? (Please tick one circle on each fine)

                                    Strongly disagrees    Disagree    Neither agree nor disagrees    Agrees    Strongly agrees    Not applicable

a I have access to places to walk for exercise or recreation in my local neighbourhood
b I have access to places to do vigorous physical activities in my neighbourhood
c Shops are in walking distance
d It is safe out walking day or night
e I often see neighbours out on walks
f The neighbourhood is friendly
g I have someone to walk with around the neighbourhood
h My spouse/partner likes walking in the neighbourhood
i My neighbourhood is attractive
j There are pleasant walks to do
k The neighbourhood is safe for walking
1 The neighbourhood is well maintained
m There are busy roads to cross when out on walks
n Dogs frighten people who walk around the neighbourhood
o There is a lot of traffic in the neighbourhood
p There are footpaths on most of the streets in your neighbourhood
q The footpaths are in good condition
r The streets are well lit at night
s There are interesting walks to do
t A park is within walking distance from my home
u Other? Please specify.

Client overview

Expand on information from your plan

Use graphs where appropriate
- Demographic (summary of client characteristics, do they meet guidelines, how do they compare to others?)
- Health benefits of physical activity (what could be prevented? Include interpretation of research)
- Correlates/barriers relevant to client (how do they compare to the research on people of a similar age and sex?). Organise your client's correlates at an individual, social and environmental level, consistent with the ecological model.
For each of the above dot points, compare and contrast at least two journal articles to support your findings.
This section should be written in a way that your client can understand it.

Physical activity strategies

Suggest at least two novel yet realistic strategies to increase your client's physical activity levels
Choose a setting relevant to your client (eg: school, home, community, workplace etc)
Find research that has already been completed on increasing physical activity in your client's demographic, and analyse the studies:
- What type of intervention was it?
- What theory of behaviour change was it based on?
- How did they attempt to increase physical activity?
- How effective was it?
- How much did PA increase by?
- (See Week 7 Seminar for more information)

Lastly, provide a brief critique of the evidence used. What were the limitations of the studies you selected, if any? (Eg: measurement of PA, sample size, study methods)


How did you utilise feedback from your plan to inform your final report?
What did you personally learn along the way?
200-300 words maximum suggested.

Harvard referencing required (in text citations and full reference list).
Reference list not included in word count.

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Biology: Hse111 - developing an evidence-based physical activity
Reference No:- TGS02613473

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