
Hs2011 systems analysis and design - required to use the

You are required to use the systems approach to investigate a business and propose business solution for the Holmes College-Case Study. You, as a team, are required to produce a business report between (2500 and 3500 words).

The following sections are suggestions for the groups' consideration:

1. Introduction
State the purpose of the report

2. Business Overview
Write up a brief overview of the company:
- Structure,
- Key Activities
- Problems,
- Gaps,
- Opportunities,
- Functional Decomposition

3. Analysis
- Current processes,
- Requirements Determination,
- DFD (Context, Level 0 and Level 1)
- Logical Modelling
o Design a decision table for a process in this system with all possibilities
o Draw a decision tree that reflects a process used in the system
- Data Modelling (ER Diagram)

4. Requirement Specification
- Functional and Non-Functional

5. Proposed Business Solution
- Forms, Reports, User Interface design

6. Project Feasibility
- Cost, Benefit, Risk Analysis

7. Implementation
- Options

8. Maintenance
- Maintenance Request
- Requests for Implementing Changes

9. Conclusions
- Recommend a key area for detailed analysis. Justify your suggestions

10. Appendices
- If any

For Group Report, students are required to use Microsoft VISIO tools to design Context & DFD diagrams and Data Modelling Process.

Construct an Entity Relationship Diagram using Microsoft VISIO tools based on the case study described below. The ER model should include the following:

- A brief description of the notation used in the model
- A statement of all business rules adopted in the development of the diagram
- A definition of all the entities
- An English interpretation of all the relationships
- The actual Entity Relationship Diagram showing all details (Modality, Cardinality, Primary and foreign Keys ... etc)
- All many to many relationships must be resolved and should not appear on the diagram as many to many. Any one to one relationships used should be justified)
- A List (at least 3) of the possible attribute associated with every entity identified.

Construct a Context Diagram, Function Decomposition & Data Flow Diagrams (Level 0 and level 1 only) based on the case study provided. There should be one level 0 diagram only, and for each function/process defined in the level 0 diagram, one level 1 diagram is required. (Might be pushing it to get a full set of level ones with the amount of information you have given them. You might consider asking for a couple of level 1 diagrams.)

All diagrams must be computer generated using VISIO tools and balanced in conformance to the rules and standards specified in lectures and tutorials.

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Dissertation: Hs2011 systems analysis and design - required to use the
Reference No:- TGS02776918

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