
Hrmn 302 6380 in this weeks video professor koschmann moves

Organizational Communication

You need a reply/response to these discussion board answers. Just read the discussion board answers, and respond to the information you read by also adding your own point of information about each topic itself to each discussion board answers not about how to correct the person answers by saying he or she needs to add more information or saying you agreed without stating why. Just four to six Lines response each. Please I need good and quality response to these discussion board answers. Please I need good and quality reply, and plsi want you to add more information about the their answers n your contribution to my classmates answers and topic.

Question to my answers below

Activity 1 Question

In this week's video Professor Koschmann moves beyond conventional views of organizational communication. Reflect for a moment on the video ideas. What does Professor Koschmann mean by the "flat earth" approach? Why do you believe this approach inadequate? Post your thoughtful responses to at least 2 of your colleagues' posts.

Activity 2 Question

Think about a recent communication you have experienced with a manger or co-worker in your organization. Thoroughly describe the experience using the Components of Communication found on pages 10 and 11 of your text. What meaning was negotiated during your interaction? Respond thoughtfully to at least 2 of your colleagues.

Activity 3 Question

This questions in this activity relate to Chapter 2 in your textbook. First, develop and share your thoughts about the definition of language. What is language? What are some of the ways language can be an obstacle to communication? Select one of your obstacles and share your personal example/experience. What emphasis strategies could have been employed to address any of the obstacles you identified? Be sure to develop your ideas fully and then respond to at least 2 your colleagues.

Activity 1

Freedom Baptista

When reflecting on Professor Koschmann's ideas, there are many variables that can affect how the communication process is conveyed. Some consist of hierarchy of an organization, power, arrogance, "my way or no way", age, professional background, lack of innovation or feedback, or in some cases language barriers due to ethnicity.

A lot of these elements lead to the "flat earth" approach where we have a culture of- what is learned must be the right way. I like to borrow the phrase "it's been done this way from the beginning". Most individuals in our society do not like change and so it's easier to keep moving in the "flat earth" mode rather than trying to improve.

The inadequacies come from this approach because it overlooks the communicative approach as an effective communication fundamental. Collaboration and innovation, plus good feedback is one of the most efficient ways to get past the "flat earth" approach. Typically, employees feel needed and appreciated if they get to participate and feel like their input helped make a difference in the organization, and motivate them to stay involved.


Professor Koschmann started the presentation by defining organizational communications as one that happens within the organization. He also believes that the meaning of any message changes depending on the context of the message being delivered. After deconstructing his viewpoint about organization as communication, a concept, which sees communication as the fundamental process, that shapes our social reality. According to Professor Koschmann, "Flat earth" approach is a perspective that seems accurate from a limited vantage point because it works for everyday living.

This approach is not as helpful when things get complex. This approach involves giving directions, planning daily schedules, and requesting information; which are basic day-to-day functions around any organization. "Flat earth" approach gets even more complicated when trying to resolve conflicts within the organization. This concept never works. This approach almost mimics the saying, it doesn't matter how you get to the end-state, just get there and we will deal with the consequences later. Things like race, gender, culture, and world view are a list of some complexities of the organization that requires a more delicate understanding of communication vice the use of the "flat earth" approach. He, however, concludes with a profound statement, "to study organizational communication, therefore, is to study the fundamental social processes that create and sustain the dominant structures of our society."

Activity 2

Michelle Carreon

The components of communications as explained by "Business Communication for Success" by Saylor Academy (2016) include source, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context, and interference.

I was providing an update to my boss regarding several of the tasks assigned to me. The Source is me, and the receiver primarily my boss with several colleagues in the room. The message is the information being provided. The Channel was face to face. The feedback, the boss asked several questions for clarification and to reaffirm current status. The environment was his office during the normal conduct of the day. The Context, formal work environment with several colleges standing by to provide updates as well. As for interference, almost overwhelming, as everyone was trying to get in to back brief the boss on the situation at hand.

The meaning for the conversation was clear and concise, the boss needed an update to be ready for any questions regarding the situation from his boss and so on. However the interference made the situation very hectic and caused information to be repeated on several occasion.

Mable Henderson

I had a discussion with my manager earlier today regarding the status of my existing work items. In this communication, I would be considered the source (the one creating and sending the message) and my manager was the receiver (the one receiving the message from the source). The communication was in the spoken channel of face-to-face conversation and my manager responded on several occasions with feedback as to the path forward for certain tasks and other questions to better understand my current workload and expected timeframe for completion. The environment was business as we met in his office that included a desk, chairs, computers, etc. There were a few incoming phone calls that came in during the time we were meeting, which served as interference, but I was still able to communicate the intended meaning of my message.

I would say that the negotiated meaning of the communication was just to update my manager on the status of my current work items and ensure that I was on the right path with some of the assigned duties.

Activity 3

Michelle Carreon

Saylor Academy (2016) explains language as a series of symbols, letters or gestures to communicate meaning. However language is much more than just a series of symbols, letters and gestures. Language is cultural, it is regional, and it is subject in the user and their methods of using words and their context. What may mean one thing to the source, or the speaker, may mean something completely different to the receiver, or the listener.

In using language is it very important to know the audience and modify language to reach the audience. For example, while I was in the in military I was assigned to a very specific and very small field. When communicating to my colleagues, also in my field, using jargon was appropriate. However when speaking with my boss or colleagues who were not in the same field, I had to ensure I omitted the jargon so that information being conveyed was clear and could be understood. Strategies I used to help colleagues that needed to understand the process I would provide PowerPoints (visual communications) and take the time to explain in sidebars so that they can get a clear picture of the process.

Freedom Baptista

This questions in this activity relate to Chapter 2 in your textbook. First, develop and share your thoughts about the definition of language. What is language? What are some of the ways language can be an obstacle to communication? Select one of your obstacles and share your personal example/experience. What emphasis strategies could have been employed to address any of the obstacles you identified? Be sure to develop your ideas fully and then respond to at least 2 your colleagues.

To me, the definition of language is how things are conveyed, perceived and understood. For everybody it can be different. As the textbook mentions how the meaning of words change over time, or what one person understands, might have a different meaning to others. In Chapter 1, the word "bike is used as an example for a gentleman who had an accident on his motorcycle. The guy he spoke he explained the story to perceived it as a bicycle until he seen the motorcycle through the window.

In chapter 2, there were several examples of how the meaning of words change over time. The word "gay" used to mean happy and giddy but now is socially normal to refer to gay in the form of homosexuality. People can express themselves using language such as visual, (like gestures or sign language) audio, or writing as their form of communication to express things in a language that is understood. The only problem is: did the receiver understand it the same as the sender, or what they were trying to say.

Language can be obstacles if they are in a foreign dialect that you haven't learned, using jargon, certain body language, tone, persuasive language, or language that isn't universal. One specific obstacle that I experienced was a previous class that wanted us to learn how to write a "White Paper". There are some key thing to know when doing a "White Paper". What is the motive? is it for your own organization? I didn't do enough research and ended up writing a paper that didn't have all the facts. I would've ended up damaging reputations if it had been real. That is how easy language can be perceived negatively and become an obstacle. It was a great learning tool.

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