Question 1: Diagrammatically describe the main four phases of the training process. Why is it significant to align training and development programs with the goals and strategies of the organization?
Question 2: Why has diversity training become a significant component of corporate training programs? What are the advantages of diversity training?
Question 3: Why is it significant to compute training programs? How can training and development programmers be evaluated for results and efficiency?
Question 4: Why is training a critical strategic issue for organizations? What purposes are served by training and development programs?
Question 5: Why the competency based approach is being increasingly used any organizations for management development and what benefits this approach has over the traditional management development methods.
Question 6: What do you understand by the word diversity? Which groups of employees comprise a diverse workforce? What initiatives can a firm adopt to attract and retain a diverse workforce?
Elaborate the reasons that firms adopt diversity initiative. Give examples of diversity initiative of some firms you are familiar with. Do you think diversity is a double-edged sword? Explain why?