
hr practitioners rolethe hr managers have keen

HR practitioners role

The HR managers have keen role in the effective planning and implementation of the policies and decisions that in tune with the business changes. They should act as strategic partners can be proactive in their role than mere reactive passive spectators. The HT managers should understand how far their decisions contribute to business surplus incorporating human competency and performance to the organization. Strategic HR managers need a change in their outlook from seeing themselves as relationship managers to strategic resources managers. Kossek argues that major HRM innovations occur when senior management takes the lead and adoption of innovation SHRM practises is dependent on the nature of relationship of the HR department with the CEO and the line managers. Legge commenting on the actions of the personnel participator in the innovation process suggests that adoption of an innovation by an organization depends largely on HR participations credibility with the information and resource provides. HR department and HR managers in these innovative organizations play a strategic role linking the HR strategy with the business strategy of the organization. A crucial aspect concerning SHRM is the concepts of the fit and flexibility. The degree of fit determines the human resources system's integration with the organization strategy. It is the role of the HR managers to ensure this fit in b/w human resource system with the organization strategy.

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HR Management: hr practitioners rolethe hr managers have keen
Reference No:- TGS0307213

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