
Hr practices and its practical application

Find an article focusing on national culture and the impact it has on policies, procedures, and practices of international firms. Make a three- to four-page article analysis including an abstract. Use the outline below in presenting your overview and analysis:

• Introduction: Introduce the main topics of the article and analysis.

• Major Thesis: Within this section, identify the author's primary reason(s) for writing the article.

• Supporting Arguments: Within this section, outline the article's main arguments/points.

• Article Summary: Within this section, you will describe the conclusions of the article and the contributions it makes to the field.

• Analysis: This section should include your analysis. This includes your analysis of the article's strong and weak points, your rationale for determining the strong and weak points of the article, and the methodological shortcomings and strengths of the article (i.e., whether and why it is a strong or weak piece of academic research).

• Application: Within this final section, you will need to discuss the relevancy of the article to specific HR practices and its practical application. This may include practices of which you are aware in your own work environment or any organization with which you are familiar.

Use examples or personal experience to support your discussion.

• Conclusion: Summarize your analysis and findings.

Create a three- to four-page paper (excluding title and reference pages). Your paper should be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide, and you must cite the article in addition to the text.

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HR Management: Hr practices and its practical application
Reference No:- TGS01814314

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